You took a long time to get to the idea, but yes, your baby becomes big and it is now a little boy or a little nenette. From his 5th birthday and up to him about 13 years, your child will grow enormously, develop his personality, and learn from life. This step also corresponds to the perfect transition between nursery school (baby) and arrival at college (pre-add). This is to tell you, during these few years, your child will see and learn things.
From his 5 years, your child will therefore start looking for himself, and to assert their personality, choose what they like or not (well we agree, within the limits of reasonable of course 😉). It is at this crucial age that this plays a lot of things for its good development.
And then, we hear sentences that never sounded: "Mom, can I invite my friends at home?" ", While before that, it was rather you who lived the dance of invitations ... And yes, your child also needs to assert himself with these friends and friends.