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Welcome to our Deco Blog, the essential source of inspiration for creating a unique, personalized interior. Here you'll find our decorating advice, tips and the latest trends in interior design. Dive into the world of panoramic wallpaper and let yourself be carried away by all its decorative possibilities.

Le papier peint pré-encollé MuralConcept

Pre-coined wallpaper MuralConcept

NEW ! 💥 Easily place your wallpaper thanks to our new pre-co-hosted finish! 🙌🏼 With only 3 tools: a water spray + a marouflette + a cutter and nothing more! And simply in 4 steps: we humidify, we put, we maroufle and we remove the surpluses! 👌🏼 All our wallpapers now have this “pre-encentric” finish option that we have developed to make life easier for all those who do not wish to equip themselves with all the complex paraphernalia of the usual installer.
Les indispensables déco dans une chambre d'enfant

The essential decorations in a child's room

You took a long time to get to the idea, but yes, your baby becomes big and it is now a little boy or a little nenette. From his 5th...
Comment décorer sa cuisine avec du papier peint ?

How to decorate your kitchen with wallpaper?

What could be better than cooking in a beautiful kitchen? Having a nice kitchen is also wanting to cook, and to concoct good little dishes, all together. And to do this, the wallpaper will give a little stroke of your kitchen in terms of decoration! Follow the leader :)
Papier peint et décor panoramique pour une chambre d'enfant : notre sélection coup de cœur

Wallpaper and panoramic decor for a child's room: our favorite selection

We are not going to lie, we parents, and above all we, mothers, decoration, we have that in the direction. Whether you spend hours finding the ideal decoration or already...
Décorer mon entrée avec du papier peint, bonne idée ?

Decorate my entry with wallpaper, good idea?

Our little finger tells us that if you have landed here, it is because you are looking for ideas to decorate your entrance, right? And what a good idea! Entrance,...
Papier peint montagne, une touche déco inspirante & tendance

Mountain wallpaper, an inspiring & trendy decorative touch

"The mountain wins you!" »» Mountain iconic saying, after a stay in the mountains, this sentence sticks to your skin. Because yes, the mountain has the power to have anyone's...
9 papiers peints et décors panoramiques aux airs d'automne

9 wallpapers and panoramic sets in the air

We no longer present it to you: Panoramic wallpaper is the strength of a successful and fulfilled interior decoration. It enhances your wall, and strengthens the spirit of character of...
Le papier peint trompe l’œil pour donner de nouvelles perspectives à votre intérieur

Talue wallpaper to give new perspectives to your interior

Invite the trompe l'oeilic wallpaper in the decoration of your home, office or professional room to stretch the walls, gain in -room depth or push the ceiling.
Papier peint jungle : 10 décors muraux exotiques et tendances

Jungle wallpaper: 10 exotic wall decorations and trends

Lush nature gives you your eye. More impressive and intoxicating than ever, the jungle trendy decor even exceeds vegetable inspiration. The jungle decoration trend is simply sublime.  And when we...
Conseils pour l’installation et l’entretien du papier peint panoramique

Advice for the installation and maintenance of panoramic wallpaper

Welcome to the fascinating world of panoramic wallpaper! If you are a hotelier looking for the secret ingredient to create memorable experiences for your customers, you are in the right...
Comment habiller ma cage d'escalier avec un papier peint ?

How to dress my staircase with a wallpaper?

Whether old or recent, the staircase is the essential element of a house, a building, or even a duplex, which allows you to walk from one floor to another. Used...
Vite, vite, c'est la rentrée : des astuces déco pour votre

Quick, quickly, it's back to school: decorative tips for your

The bells ring, we are there! The end of August is approaching and it feels. The neighbors come back from vacation, we look at what is the exact date of...